Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Doshi II / The Return To Formlessness

Ten years since we made the film on Doshi. As we revisit Sangath, Kamala House and Sarkhej we realise how blessed we are to be in the presence of a real Guru. At 92, he is still like a child curious to learn, inquisitive to see, touch, hear & feel the environments and people he comes in contact with.
It marks also a full circle 2009 to 2019. I have experienced a thousand lifetimes in these last ten years. We shot using the same Canon XH-A1 that Gautam gifted us back in 2008. Cosmic conclusions floating in the etheric spaces everywhere. And now with the magnetic presence of Arunachalam in my life, this time I am curious to see what comes out of this exercise in timelessness!